
My name is Akshay. Yes, the name of this blog is a pun on my name. I like dad-jokes and I can’t lie.

By day, I craft strategy through data for a prominent airlines. I used to be a consultant 10+ years back, and then for a while, as a civil-servant. Switched to the data-science/ AI space in 2019, starting with power-plant networks, and now aviation since 2021.

By night, I often wonder how tech, culture and society intersect. My exploration in LLM’s partially comes from that angle. Aiming to be more literary or linguistic , if you will.

I have a bachelors degree Computing from National University of Singapore, MBA (Strategy) from Nanyang Business School & an ongoing MS in Analytics from Georgia Tech. My LinkedIn profile goes into more detail.

I speak five languages - English, తెలుగు, دکھنی (दक्खिनी), Français and Español. Wife and daughter speak three more: Mandarin, Hokkien and Japanese. Will blog in at least two.

I don’t speak for my current employer. You’ll be nuts to buy or sell stocks based on what I write here.